Introducing LingoCamp: An alternative to embrace summer camps safely at home

MIAMI, FLORIDA, July 7th, 2020 – With kids still stuck at home and Covid-19 limiting safe activities, Lingokids has created an alternative for children to stay entertained while learning during the summer. The Playlearning™ app is introducing its LingoCamp  summer program, aiming to help parents avoid academic setbacks due to the abrupt transition to remote learning in the Spring . The developers of the game-based learning app worked with a prestigious Board of Educators to develop its content, which serves as an alternative that is both educational and fun.

Researchers have predicted a considerable academic slide or even permanent regress due to the pandemic , leaving parents looking at the summer months as an opportunity to provide additional support and instruction while keeping learning fun and playful. Lingokids gives children ages two to eight years old an environment that rewards learning. Its curriculum has been developed in partnership with renowned institutions and approved by esteemed educators and organizations in the education industry. The courses have been designed with expertise in early language learning by using the Ludic Methodology, which is based on self-direction, immersion, and learning through play with engaging content that encourages comprehension and retention of learning objectives.

Launching today, LingoCamp will be a place where kids can continue developing skills like communication, responsibility, collaboration, and critical thinking through topics related to summer camp. Throughout the eight-week program, kids will virtually enjoy through LingoCamp the below subjects:

    • Recycling
    • Relaxation and concentration
    • Physical activities to get the kids moving
    • Collaboration through games that involve parents
    • And, of course, exciting new ways to learn vocabulary centered around nature and outdoor activities

“Early education for children sets the foundation for their knowledge and future learning,” shared Suzanne Barchers, EdD, Chair at Lingokids Educational Advisory Board. “ While the transition was quick and schools, teachers, and parents, made the best out of the resources available, it’s important for parents to continue building a routine that provides structure and consistency. LingoCamp is a viable option for these children and families to access quality summer learning opportunities and a service that supports their needs.”

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