4 Best Activities for Kids to Play on the Beach

Recently we were talking about ESL games and activities to keep your children entertained when traveling while also picking up a new language. This time we have 4 English learning activities for your beach vacation! ?

Build a sandcastle

Nothing ever beats this classic. Even though it almost never comes as a real success from the first try, your kids and you will have so much fun trying it over and over again. Along the way make up a story about a family of animals who will live in the castle. It’s a fun and creative way to have your kids learn English if you use the English names of the animals.

Trace the letter

A perfect way for your child to learn the letters is by tracing their shape. Download Lingokids app and do the traceable exercises every day before you start practicing writing in the sand. They will find writing their own name extremely entertaining!

Beach tag

This classic is even more entertaining on the beach, as the sand makes us slip and fall. Have some laughs running around and name the person who is ”it” a shark, octopus or any other sea animal and learn the animal names in English.

Aim game

There are never enough games for learning the numbers and shapes in English, and every one of them is as equally entertaining as it is educational. This one requires you to draw different shapes in the sand and put numbers inside. Have your little ones aim for particular shapes and score points.

Have lots of fun in the sun! ?

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