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Free playlearning™ content curated by the Lingokids educators team.

English for kids

What Did Dinosaurs Eat?

They were big, they lived a long time ago, and kids love them… What are they? Dinosaurs, of course! With this song, with it your little ones will learn about what did dinosaurs eat as they sing along and have fun!

“Have You Ever Seen a Dinosaur” Lyrics

Have you ever seen a dinosaur,
a dinosaur, a dinosaur?
Have you ever seen a dinosaur
eat grasses and meat?
Eat meat and eat grasses?
Eat meat and eat grasses?
Have you ever seen a dinosaur
eat grasses and meat?

Have you ever seen a herbivore,
a herbivore, a herbivore?
Have you ever seen a herbivore
eat grasses and plants?
Eat plants and eat grasses?
Eat plants and eat grasses?
Have you ever seen a herbivore
eat grasses and plants?

Have you ever seen a carnivore,
a carnivore, a carnivore?
Have you ever seen a carnivore
eat insects and meat?
Eat meat and eat insects?
Eat meat and eat insects?
Have you ever seen a carnivore
eat insects and meat?

Have you ever seen an omnivore,
an omnivore, an omnivore?
Have you ever seen an omnivore
eat grasses and meat?
Eat meat and eat grasses?
Eat meat and eat grasses?
Have you ever seen an omnivore eat grasses and meat

About the Song

They were big, they lived a long time ago, and kids love them… What are they? Dinosaurs, of course! Children usually love these big Jurassic creatures. Even though they no longer exist, dinos represent a fun topic to learn for the little ones. Also, they still fascinate adults and children alike because of the diverse physical traits they had, and how they lived in different times and places. This is what the “The Dinosaurs Song” is all about, with it your little ones will learn about what did dinosaurs eat as they sing along this nursery rhyme.

Dinosaurs lived more than 200 million years ago. Their name means terrible lizard, which given the size of some of them makes a lot of sense. Dinos were big creatures, some of them as heavy as ninety tons and with lengths of up to 39 meters, and others as small as hummingbirds. Dinos had several classifications and species: according to their size, when they lived, or what they ate.

In this song for children, the little ones will make a quick visit to the past to learn more about dinosaurs with Lisa the Cat! As Lisa is traveling through the wilderness, she sees several dinos that are roaming free on the land, and it appears to be lunchtime for them. Lisa notices that not all the dinos eat the same, some eat grasses, some eat meat, some eat insects, and some eat a bit of everything!

So, how do you call a dino that ate meat and insects? Carnivores! The famous T-Rex, with its short arms and powerful legs, was a carnivore; they could run very fast and were great hunters.

Carnivore Dinosaur

How about dinosaurs that feed on grasses? These are called herbivores, and they fed on plants and grasses mostly. The Brachiosaurus were one of the most known herbivores, they had long necks that they used to eat leaves from the treetops. And finally, what do you call the dinosaurs that eat both kinds of grass and meat? Omnivores! These are the ones that eat everything, like the Oviraptor, which was one of the smallest dinos but was also very fast and light.

Herbivore Dinosaur

Learning about the different eating habits of animals like dinosaurs can be great for the little ones, and it’s a good idea to do so through children’s songs since they tend to make learning fun and the little ones get to understand the topic easily in a more natural way. Also, it’s a great introduction to science for kids! While learning about these awesome creatures, children can also become better learners in general since they have to dig some information to learn about their favorite creatures, thus assimilating techniques on how to process information, how to explore a new topic, and also learning new vocabulary.

Now, let’s start learning about these marvelous creatures as we sing and dance along with Lisa in this classic nursery rhyme.

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