How to Entertain Your Child During the Holidays

What do we need to remember when the school holidays start?

What to do during the school holidays. It’s the big question parents have when school finishes and our children are going to spend more time at home or even on holiday away. Either at home or out discovering the world, having your children with you requires planning, without a doubt.

In both scenarios, there are two important things to be sure of. It’s important that holidays don’t mean a waste of time or a day in front of a screen. Not that either of these things is completely banned, but holidays are a chance to combine many different types of activities, both active and relaxing, in such a way that both children and parents are comfortable and satisfied.

It’s also important that you don’t go to the other extreme and turn holidays into a non-stop activity whirlwind with no time to rest. Many people see holidays as a time of year where it’s their work to have fun. In the case of children, this is a mistake, children need to be active, but occasionally they also need time to stop, be bored, free their minds and work their imagination.

The key is to not fall short or to go over the top. It’s not easy, but precisely because of this, as we said, to begin with, it is essential to plan ahead and decide what to do during the school holidays.

School holidays at home with children

Generally, we tend to think that spending holidays at home makes them less of a holiday. As if we were missing something. Even more so with children as it becomes a shame when we haven’t taken them somewhere or that we haven’t contributed to them discovering new things.

Well, no! Spending holidays at home with your children can be exciting, fun and beneficial. It all depends on your effort, imagination and one more time, your planning. Here are a few ideas on what to do with your children at home during the school holidays:

Plan a timetable

that includes as many different types of activities as possible (walks, bike rides, trips to the park, swimming pool, cinema, sports, meetings with friends etc) as well as the days that your children will need to do their homework. This way, you should avoid empty days where you are left with nothing to do, and they will not have to rush their schoolwork during the final days.

Include in the diary a few special plans

that will help you break up the monotony and avoid your children from becoming too bored. What you decide depends on what your children enjoy (and what you enjoy!) but here are some options. A visit to the zoo, a game of football, basketball or other sports, a trip to the beach or mountains, go-karts etc.

Include your children in doing the housework and preparing food

It’s a good idea to start giving them responsibilities, which can also be very entertaining if you use your imagination and make them into games.

Put aside time for you and your partner

This part is very easy to forget but is essential. Having the children at home for days can become a physical and mental strain. Children have a never-ending energy reserve and require a lot of attention. Take advantage of any moments that they are with their friends or with grandparents for example, and relax with your partner, or even alone. You must recharge!

Holidays away with your children

As with staying at home, holidays away require planning as your children get bored very easily and it is not possible to make certain trips with them. The best idea, as always, is to plan in advance depending on the destination, although in almost all cases you will have numerous options available:

Amusement parks

Always a safe option for children. With many different types of attractions, your children will always have a great time, regardless of their age. Add in the shows, parades, different types of restaurants… a sure hit!

The beach or pool

If your holidays are in the summer, then going to the beach or a swimming pool is practically compulsory. They will love playing in both the water and the sand.


Museums during holidays for children? Of course! There are more and more museums adapted for children, with interactive activities designed for them. They can be a big hit, without a doubt.

Take advantage of nature and the countryside

Holidays are an ideal chance to get your children to connect with nature. They can run, play and have fun with the wildlife and with animals.

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