Fun activities for learning Prepositions in english

learn english prepositions

English prepositions can be a tricky topic for kids to learn. You must involve them in the process of learning with games and activities and they will learn without noticing and while having tons of fun. Check out our ideas!

Prepositions in English:

Prepositions in English - Under




Prepositions in English - On


Preposition in English - Next to / Beside

Next to / Beside

Prepositions in English - In / Inside

In / Inside

Prepositions in English - By


Prepositions in english - Between


Prepositions in English - Behind


Prepositions in English - At


Prepositions in English - Among


Prepositions Exercises:

1. Educational apps: Lingokids app has 4 different topics for learning the English prepositions. All of them have many fun games, activities and songs with which your child will learn easily and while having a lot of fun. Along with the games and activities you can find printable material so that your child can learn while taking a break from the tablet. You have to download the app to unlock more of these printable materials.

2. Where’s the toy?: Now that your child has been introduced the prepositions vocabulary, it’s time to practice. Take your child’s favourite mini toy (the one that can fin in a cup) and a transparent plastic cup. Place the toy on, in, under, behind or by the cup and ask your child ”Where’s the toy?”. It’s a quick and easy activity that you can practice every day. And as it includes your child’s favourite toy it will be easy for them to memorise the vocabulary and the actions.

3. On, in, under dance: Dance and music are the best way to learn specific words, especially if the song is repetitive and goes along with gestures that explain the vocabulary. In this video you can see the dance and the gestures for the prepositions you have to learn with your child. Once you have practiced the actions, turn up the volume to this song and do the dance!

Prepositions Song:

Happy learning!

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