Best Traditional Games for Children

It is obvious that it is increasingly harder for traditional children’s games to compete against the ever-growing invasion of screens around the house that grab the attention of the youngest members of the house.

Televisions, smartphones computers, games consoles… the house is full of electronics within reach of our children that offer many different (with some risks, although that is another subject) interactive entertainment options.


Why Are Traditional Games So Important For Children?

This is not necessarily something negative, but sometimes we will find that our children completely abandon traditional children’s games that have so much to offer. As always, neither extreme is recommended, it’s great that children have fun with new technologies, but they should also find enjoyment with their parents and in the street, with their friends, playing classic games that have entertained so many previous generations.

Children will always continue to enjoy games from the past, as long as they learn to play them. These games can also be of great benefit to them, they require physical activity, social skills, creativity, imagination, competition, camaraderie… and many more benefits that could fill an entire article.

Quite simply, traditional children’s games stimulate their growth, physically as well as intellectually. They will also help them to make friends, what more could you ask for?!


The Best Traditional Games To Show Your Children

The main attraction of classic children’s games is that generally, you will not need any equipment. Most of them do not require anything more than imagination and a willingness to have a good time.

It is also important that most of these games are group games, which mean that as well as simple rules and a fast pace, they allow children to interact with each other, by talking, laughing, and sharing experiences. All of these are essential to their growing up.

Also, they are safe (apart from the occasional small fall or bump) and will not normally require adult supervision. This, by the way, helps children to interact more naturally and more fluidly.

The following are some of the best games to show to your children, mainly because you no doubt, played them many times as well:


  • Coppers and Robbers

This game is simple and really fun. It also requires a lot of physical activity. The rules are as follows, you must split into two groups. One group must escape and hide, and the other group has to go and find them. The searching group, must capture their opponents one by one and take them to an area that is designated as the prison. But it’s not that simple, the other team can free the prisoners at any moment, although they must move whilst holding hands. When all of the team are captured, both teams change roles.


  • Hide and seek

If Coppers and Robbers is a classic, then so is this. These are also simple rules, one of the children must count, with their eyes closed whilst the others hide. When the countdown ends, the child must then try and find the others. Whilst the seeker looks for the hiders, the hiders can try and slide (or run at full speed) to the place that the seeker counted from, get back there before them and touch the spot to free themselves.


  • Spinning Tops

This is a traditional game that every now and then makes a return to school playgrounds, so maybe your children have already heard of them or have maybe even already played with them. The game doesn’t have any specific rules, apart from trying to spin a spinning top on surfaces of varying difficulty (on your hand, on top of the spinning top of others, etc…) but normally children will just play and compete against each other.


  • Dodgeball

This game is very common in many schools in P.E. classes. Not only is it fun, but it’s also an explosion of physical activity. Children divide into two groups and throw balls. If the throw hits somebody on the opposite side, they are eliminated and must leave the area to a place behind the opponents. They are still able to throw balls if they are able to catch any rebounds. The team that has players left at the end wins. The game is not easy and requires agility, reflexes, and a good aim.


Do you know any more games from your childhood? Which ones would you like to show to your children?


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